Saturday, March 1, 2008


i was tagged by rebekah!

10 Years Ago...

Let's see here i was 17/18 so that would mean i was a junior at South Garland home of the mighty Colonels. i was cheering for the football team and also competing with Cheer Athletics Allstars. i was probably being chauffeured around by Taylor Rusk (now Fields) and acting up with some of my girl friends (Natasha, Jenny, and Rachel). I believe i was dating Jason Mills and soon to be swapping him for Don Bulin.. oh high school :) Yep, i think that's about as far as my world went :)

Things on my to-do list today:
*Work out
*Clean out my trunk
*Hang a mirror on the wall in our bedroom (um this has been on the list for a while now)
*Call about a washer piece (yes, remember the Maytag dryer story? well her sister is in a coma)
*Make a lunch for tomorrow (i hate doing this)

What would i do if i became loaded:
*Travel- there would be no stone unturned and think how fun it would be to be able to pay for friends and family to come with?!
*I am also on board with the laser hair removal on the legs...HEAVEN!!!
*Of course we would give a load away
*I think i would go to the movies alot too. i heart the movie theater :)
*Lots of date nights with my hubby and friends and family- I mean how fun would that be to always be able to pick up the check when you went out with people??!!

Three of my bad habits:
1. Chopping my nails off cause i don't feel like dealing with them. i don't know if it's a habit though
2. Leaving wrappers out- gum and splenda when i season my coffee
3. negative thinking (i like to call it realistic thinking but jer always tells me i am too hard on myself)
(Of course... ice-cream goes with out saying)

Five jobs i've had:
1. Limited Too- Got fired
2. Daycare center- Got asked to leave
3. Cafe Plaid- little coffee shop that i opened at. one of my favorite jobs
4. Eastern Hills Country Club as a waitress and golf cart girl- i loved this job too
5. Centex/Nationstar aka: Hell on earth i shiver when i think about it although Sum and i got to be best buds in that sweat shop
And Currently!... The Village Church- Pastoral Care & Recovery ministry assistant LOVE IT :)

Five things people don't know about me:
1. i feel bad about my last blog. that was kind of mean :( she's just trying to live life
2. i let my favorite perfumes and lotions go bad because i never want to use them cause i don't want to run out. dumb i know
3. i love the food network, i got addicted when i got sick earlier and it was the only thing good on at 4 in the morning
4. if i get depressed i like to do puzzles and listen to dido. ha! kind of nerdy!
5. i hate when people touch my veins- i made the mistake of telling jerry this and he makes it his life mission to push on the big artery on my arm and i want to throw up. whatever this thing is i think it's related to me hating getting my blood pressure taken as well.

Miss Ashley K i am tagging you!!

ps. someone help me make my blog look pretty. how are all you people doing it?


Kristyn said...

I want to hear the story of how you got fired and asked to leave! ;) Maybe your next post? ha!
I didn't know how to change my blog either and then this very sweet girl left me a comment saying she would design one for me for FREE! anyways, her name is Jill and she's linked on my blog if you want to look at her stuff...she's very creative.

lecia said...

I can so see you as a cute golf cart girl! How fun that you are still good friends with people from 10 years ago!!! And puzzles....well I can't say enough about the therapy of puzzle working.

Sum said...

haha. I didn't know about the vein thing. between that and the fence post, that def makes you crazy. :))

Dawntoya and Adam said...

Lauren, I love the confession of "I got fired" and "I asked to leave." I just laugh thinking about that and think you should write a funny blog telling the stories!!

Ashie Nichole said...

Thank you for tagging me.. I like to be apart of these but never get tagged!! Love you little miss!!

Courtney Hofmann said...

you're so fun! i like you! why on earth did you get fired from limited too and asked to leave from the day care? I definitely need to hear those stories!

Hayley B said...

awww....lauren I do puzzle's to...especially when I am anxious! I can't wait to see you over easter...and I mean actually see you :) Thanks for letting us stay at you place!

Hayley B said...

Thanks for the comment on my hair Lauren! I miss you and can't wait to REALLY see you over Easter!

Molly Morgan said...

Lauren - You are such a cutie girl. I love reading your blogs and getting to know more about you! Funny about not wanting people to touch your veins....whenever I get bored hearing someone talk...I like to touch my vein in my wrist and feel my pulse! I do this all the I alive?

the corsos said...

Lauren, I enjoyed reading your "fun facts." It definitely made me stop and recall those good 'ole days at Rowlett High.

Michael said...

I'm so glad you guys liked the blog! Thanks for your comments. I hope you have a great day and, Lauren, it's time that you give up the guilt for the Heart Butt pic's. God created the Heart Butt and He can forgive people who hate the Heart Butt.