Some how I have managed to steer clear of the iPhone craze mainly because I didn't see the need.
But what once was simple has now become complex and I need the sanity of my fellow bloggers to keep me from jumping over the edge... or push me over altogether.
Here are the facts:
Fact: I get lost more than anyone I know (depsite being a Dallas resident all my life) and in these times of lostness I can't seem to get my go-to people on the phone (Sister, Husband, Mom). Thus I end up in tears somewhere between a one-way street and a missed right turn. The twilight zone does exist.
Fact: The iPhone has a GPS
Fact: My iPod went ka-put a while back so I don't have one of those
Fact: The iPhone IS an iPod
Fact: We have a stero system that only plays an iSomething. No radio/CD's/Tapes. The only iSomething we have is Jerry's phone which means I can only listen things to when A.) Jerry is home and B.) not on the phone. Are you feeling me?
(Do people still use the term 'stereo system' now-a-days? Sounds a little 90's to me)
Fact: I sit at my desk most of the day so I have no need for a phone that does anything but ring 90% of my life
Fact: The reason iPhone DOES all these cool things is because you PAY for it... we can not forget that part $$
Fact: I think Looped looks fun!!!!
So here are your voting options:
A.) Purchase an iPhone
B.) Purchase an iPod
C.) Sit contentedly and enjoy the quiet