Friday, August 24, 2007

sniffing white powdery stuff

before you call the elders you should know that my dealer is L'oreal. i don't know how i manage to do these things but somehow during a rapid make-up application i inhaled a puff of her Pale Bare Naturale. sneezed for about 10 minutes. rough morning.


Kentsten said...

LAUREN!!! I laughed outloud reading this entry. I have a visual in my head of this occuring. Ha, ha. Miss you, Friend.

Sum said...

hahahaha. this has happened to me and it is not a pleasant experience. thanks for sharing (said in my small group voice).

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

hahahahaha!!!!! this is great great stuff! This usally happens to me when I am eating powdered donuts. Disclaimer: I don't usually let myself eat powdered sugar donuts anymore.