1. Being able to park smack dab in the middle of the garage
2. Being able to turn my heating blanket up to full blast when I go to sleep at night
3. Hmm, yep, that's it. COME HOME HUSBAND!
Things I have been obsessing over in my fridge/pantry:
1. Almond stuffed olives. Don't even really like olives but these are irresistible.
2. Blue cheese. A few weeks ago I made blue cheese stuffed turkey burgers and fell in love with the flavor.
3. Smoked Gouda. Why did I waste most of my life without trying this? Why wasn't there intervention?? Are you not my friends?
4. Cinnamon. I have been putting this on anything remotely sweet; coffee, toast, cereal, ice-cream. Yummm
Things I have been doing with my spare time:
1. Cleaning out and organizing all my pictures. This is a CHORE. Right now I have pictures from all time periods in random nooks and crannies of my house and car. It's time for some adult organization. I am only in the beginning stages of this but hope to finish by this time next week... we'll see.
2. Painting. I fell in love with a painting that was expensive so I though I would just try and paint it. Is this the picture of over-ambition? Probably. Anyways yesterday I sat down on my kitchen floor and gave it a go. (That's the one and only bonus to hating your floral print kitchen floor- you can paint on it and not worry too much about making it look bad). Well the picture I was trying to emulate was an abstract and my finished product looks decisively literal. Oh well. Maybe Jerry will like it :)
In closing I would like to apologize for the lack of photos. I can't seem to find the cord that hooks to my laptop. Probably in a nook somewhere with aged photos.