Wednesday, July 23, 2008

what was that!!??

Short story:
So I knew that in buying a house there would be moments that would push me out of my comfort zone. For example, I have tried to come to terms that there are going to be times when the toilet breaks and I have no landlord to call. Or there might be a time when the AC goes out and there is no Work Order form to fill out while I wait for the job to be completed. I also mentally prepared myself for the vast world of Yard Work and the even vaster world of Yard Work Expenses. BUT what I did not prepare myself for was the semi-wooded area that we would live in and all things ‘wooded’ that would come with it.
For example:
Since we have been living in our house I have twice been followed in by a little gecko. Now I don’t want to be a total complainer here, because while I don’t like any creature that is small and moves faster than me, I must say I prefer a little gecko over all other multi-legged creatures. But Still! I am not about to touch one! So both times I calmly screamed for Jerry while the gecko and I lock eyes in wait.
I come home from work one day minding my own business and head toward the front door. As I near the door I hear loud scurrying behind me and look down to see a miniature alligator running full speed toward my feet. I am not kidding. This overgrown, gecko/crocodile/monster was charging me and I reacted with more failing and screaming than I new I had in me. I am sure that our neighbors raised an eyebrow in wonder at my wild-ethnic-rain-dance or maybe they just nodded in sympathy having also encountered this beast. Who knows? All I was concerned with was getting the heck inside. If I would have felt even one scale of that thing on my toe I am convinced I would have died on the spot. Anyways, it missed my feet and nailed it’s head on the door frame with a loud “THUNK” and then ran off in the other direction as I plunged through the door into safety.
Or so I thought:
Another day I was mindlessly making a mental list of a few odds and ends that I needed to run to the store to pick up. I grabbed my purse and headed up the road to our local Kroger. Normally Jerry and I prefer to do our grocery shopping at Nieman’s (otherwise know as the new Walmart) but I was in a hurry and just needed one or two things. Ready to checkout I headed to the self-checkout area and scan my goods. I snapped open my little coin purse to pull out a $20 and low and behold a Maniac Gecko comes flying out like Superman of his kind and lands smack on the scanner! Of course by this point the checkout line has grown so I have quite the crowd going to watch the new and improved rain-dance. This one had more hard stomps and less flailing arms, all the while sending a message via intense eye’s and head jerks to the 16 year old Kroger worker who was staring at me with a blank expression. The kid just looked at me and said, ‘Where’d that come from?’ Too embarrassed to admit that I was one of those people that carried crawly things around with them I just said, ‘I don’t know!’ and grabbed my receipt and left.
All that it say:
Please don’t judge me. I promise we are not bug people. Jerry has promised to ‘handle’ the situation on account of knowing his wife’s sanity is on the line. I hope you still feel safe to come over… but understand if you don’t. Sheesh.


Bex said...

i have too much to say about i'm not gonna say anything.

Anonymous said...

Aliens have abducted my FEARLESS, WARRIOR, WILL WIN AT ANY COSTS daughter!!!!!! Is it green Martians????????? NO!!!!!! It's green baby lizards........sigh. Who knew she had any fear??


Sum said...

LAUREN, I am dying. seriously dying laughing. "miniature alligator?!!" hahaaaaaaaaa

I TOTALLY support your rain-dances!! remember my blog about the gecko in my shower and I ran to a neighbors apartment for help! they are scary! and I cant believe one flew out of your purse. this is amazing.

Dawntoya and Adam said...

I am with Summer...I am laughing so loud at my desk! This is a bright spot in my day. A miniature alligator Lauren?!?? But the best is the lizard in your coin purse...hahah oh my goodness.

The Nadwodnys said...

I've had my run ins with the little critters too (at my humble abode)...I'm with you...ICK! Do your rain dance - I'll dance with you.

elizabeth engelhardt creations said...

I am so laughing so hard, I'm crying!!! You are too funny, but God only knows that I would probably scream and yip at the top of my lungs if one came flying out of my coin purse....don't you just want to know how it go there???

The Faris Fam said...

Okay...I haven't seen an alligator yet...but the geckos are all over my house too!! Ha! I almost vaccumed one up the other day! I hear alot of scruffle and scurry outside at night but so far I can't see anything. We met the previous owner and he said he found 2 copperhead snakes!! Oh lord! Anyway...I am right there with you sister on the cabinets...I am ALMOST half way done. I forgot about the cabinets and drawers on the island we just added. But they are a beast!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! too funny... the part about the gecko/crocodile/monster charging after you was hilarious. i got chased by a monkey in zambia and it was freaking scary... i can totally relate to the wild-ethnic-rain-dance :)

Kristyn said...

wow! Lizards everywhere! at least it's not spiders...that's what was in our old house, before we moved in. I told J our marriage depended on him removing every last one of them! HA! And he did!

Kentsten said...

You are a great writer and your blogs crack me up every single time! I love it. Praise God for husbands that will take care of the alligators that try to attack us.

Hayley B said...

I am glad you still have your toes

Molly Morgan said...

My oh my oh my oh my !
Be prepared oh new homeowner - we've had bats, squirrels, chipmunks and birds wander into our homes!!!! It only gets better from here. :)

Anonymous said...

hey do you know if jerry would be interested in doing fantasy football with me and some friends this year?